Root Canal Procedure

When the dental pulp (blood vessels and nerve at the center of the tooth) dies and the tooth become infected, root canal treatment or endodontics is done to save the tooth. Infection is commonly caused by decay in the tooth, under a filling, or if the tooth fractures. If left untreated, this can lead to a tooth abscess, which causes discomfort, swelling, and infection of the jaw bone.

If you have inflammation or infection inside one of your teeth, your dentist may recommend root canal treatment. To prevent future damage or infection, they will clean and fill the inside of the tooth. Root canal therapy can keep your tooth from being extracted.

Your teeth have ‘roots’ that bind them to your jawbone. Pulp is a blend of blood vessels and nerves that exists inside each of your teeth. The pulp chamber, which extends down into the tooth roots, houses the pulp. The pulp chamber within the root is referred to as the root canal.

Why is root canal treatment needed?

Bacteria might enter your tooth if it is broken. If the pulp within the tooth becomes infected, the infection might move to the pulp within the root canal.

The goal of root canal therapy is to save your tooth by removing the damaged pulp and treating the infection.

You may require root canal therapy for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Tooth decay that is severe
  • Dental treatment on the tooth on a regular basis
  • A broken tooth
  • A shattered crown
  • Fillings that are cracked or loose
  • Periodontal disease
  • A wound, such as a blow to the lips

If the infection is not treated, it might spread and cause an abscess, which is a collection of pus. This might be painful, sensitive, and cause swelling around your tooth and jaw.

Your tooth may appear darker in colour than your other teeth at times, which indicates that the nerve inside your tooth is dead or dying.

The root canal procedure is not uncomfortable. A local anaesthetic is usually used during the procedure, and it should feel no different than having a filling done.

If you are particularly concerned about undergoing root canal treatment, inform your dentist so that they can reassure you. Many of our locations also provide dental sedation to help you relax during your procedure.

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